The Robert Manning Lighthouse is located in Empire, Michigan was established in 1991 and is the youngest lighthouse in the United States. You may be asking who is Robert Manning and why does he have a lighthouse? According to several books Manning was a resident of Empire and a local fisherman. Every day he could get out onto the lake, he was there. He had often commented about how much a lighthouse would help him back into shore. When he passed away, his family decided to honor him by having a lighthouse created. Mr. Manning would be very proud of his family!
Our replica is located on the island at the entrance to the Crazyhorse Campground Marina. The light is operational. It is 20′ tall and was dedicated on February 2, 2003.
Built by members of the Lighthouse Club
GPS: 34º 28′ 13.46″ N – 114º 21’43.35″ W
Beacon: Green – Flash: 20 times per minute.
Location: Pittsburg Point Island, Lake Havasu City, AZ